TnT High Pressure Waterworks, Ltd.

Main Representative

  • Mike Tomkins
    Managing Director
  • phone:  (780)469-4073

TnT High Pressure Waterworks, Ltd.
3201 84 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T6P 1K1

Business Description

TnT High Pressure Waterworks Ltd. is considered to be an innovator and leader in industrial cleaning and environmental services. A technically advanced fleet of high pressure pumping units, vacuum loading, and chemical cleaning systems are coordinated to service onsite plant maintenance and turnarounds for various oil and gas, pulp and paper, petrochemical and power generating producers. TnT High Pressure operates a full service, 'state of the art' heat exchanger cleaning facility located in Alberta's Heartland, serving energy producers across Western Canada.



AWJ cutting/field work
Industrial cleaning services (industrial plant cleaning/waterblasting, maintenance for the petrochemical, refining, and pipeline industries, etc.)
Surface preparation
Vacuum Truck Services
Waterblast cleaning
