WJTA/HASC Training & Certification Webinar Recording
Recorded June 18, 2020

Webinar Extended Q&A

Below are answers to additional questions that were not able to be addressed live on the webinar.

Do you plan to develop training credentials for other industrial cleaning crafts?

A similar training and certification pathway for operators of industrial vacuum equipment will be undertaken in the very near future. WJTA will evaluate feedback on the market need for training credentials in similar areas or service lines.

Are petrochemical and other industry clients aware and expected to support this credential?

WJTA is working closely with industry groups including EHCMA and the Houston Business Roundtable to build awareness and adoption among asset owners. We feel that standardized operator certification has tremendous benefit for asset owners in reinforcing consistent industry practices across regions and employers and allowing owners to easily verify the credentials of contractor personnel.

Will this replace or supplement other certifications such as NCCER?

WJTA certification is developed as a standalone entry level certification. The WJTA program is developed in full compliance with the association’s Industry Best Practices for the Use of High Pressure Waterjetting Equipment (Orange Book) and will continue to be updated frequently to reflect changes in industry practices and technology.

How can I apply to become a Master Trainer? How are Master Trainers approved?

Candidates applying to become a Master Trainer must have current Verified Trainer credentials and must return the application form (download pdf). Applications will be reviewed by current WJTA Master Trainers who will submit the application to the WJTA Board of Directors along with a recommendation. The current MTs’ review will often include a review of the candidate’s CV and interview. The WJTA Board of Directors will approve applications to become a Master Trainer.

Can a qualified trainer deliver the Foundational Training in person, rather than via computer?

WJTA requires that the FT be delivered through the computer-based training platform in order to ensure consistency of training and immediate updates in the event of changes to the course materials. Remote delivery options are available for companies outside of the safety council network.

When will the program be available outside the United States?

WJTA’s focus is on delivering availability domestically. Given the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on business travel and in-person gatherings, it is necessary to focus resources on propagating the certification throughout the U.S. WJTA leadership will review and evaluate the requests from members in other countries.

Are translations available currently?

The course and materials are currently available in English-language only.

Is there any printed information on hose management for waterblast contractors?

A suggested resource for hose management is the Association of Hose Assemblers and Distributors (NAHAD) Hydroblast Hose Safety Whitepaper (download pdf), which is referenced in the WJTA Orange Book.